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Notes sur le tag : allie winters

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Can't fight it

d' Allie Winters - SmartyPants Romance (2023) Résumé : Mousy bookworm. Psychology nerd. The kind of girl who constantly sticks her foot in her mouth. The last thing I am is the type to attract the intimidating, motorcycle-riding guy in the apartment next door. Especially when that mouth of mine gets me in trouble and he overhears me talk smack about him… So no one’s more surprised...

Publié le 15/05/2023 dans Bananas in... par Nanou | Lire la suite...

Under Pressure

d' Allie Winters (2021) Smartypants Romance Résumé : Mia knows stress. She’s dealt with it her whole life. So when she gets an opportunity to run a psychology study to help her get into grad school, it should be no problem dealing with the prickly guy she suddenly finds herself paired with. The one she had a secret crush on last year. The one who refuses to let anyone close. The one...

Publié le 25/03/2021 dans Bananas in... par Nanou | Lire la suite...

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